Getting Help With My Toes

Getting Help With My Toes

What Can You Do About Bunions?

Arianna Nguyen

Bunions are painful bony bumps that protrude from the side of a big toe. They form in the joint of the big toe and foot. They can affect individuals of all ages. Some babies are born with bunions. When this happens, there is usually a genetic predisposition that causes the anomaly. Bunions usually form late in life. There are lifestyle habits that can make an individual more at risk for developing bunions. Wearing tight or narrow and high heels have been linked to bunion formation. Medical conditions related to the skeletal system can also encourage the development of bunions. Arthritis is an example of a condition that can cause bunions.

Most podiatrists will want to try all avenues before recommending bunion surgery. The following points identify some interventions they might recommend.

Wear Appropriate Shoes

If you are a fan of stilettos and narrow fitting, pointy toe shoes, you likely are not going to like a foot doctor's recommendation to wear flat-soled wide shoes. You will need to decide between the pain or the fashion. Wearing the wrong type of shoes can encourage bunions to get larger and more painful.

Use Bunion Pads

These are special pads that are designed to protect bunions from irritations that can occur when they rub against the inner lining of shoes. Most pharmacies stock bunion pads. If they are difficult to find in your area, a podiatrist can assist you with getting the pads.

Use Ice Packs as Needed

Ice packs can aid in pain relief. The ice acts as a numbing agent. Some individuals with bunions are able to manage their pain by applying ice packs as needed throughout the day. This in combination with OTC pain medication could be a good choice for individuals who do not want to take opioids or consider surgery.

Modify Activities and Take Breaks

If you are an active individual, bunions might interfere with your quality of life. Stress on the feet can cause pain episodes. You may have to alter exercise routines. You should also be mindful of activities that will require you to stand for long periods of time. Take breaks at the onset of pain episodes. 

Bunions are very recognizable in advanced stages. Individuals with bunions may have other foot conditions present too such as calluses, toe fungus, sores between toes, or ingrown toenails. This is why a podiatrist needs to make the diagnosis and develop a treatment plan. These coexisting foot issues are painful, and they can lead to more serious issues especially if the individual has another health ailment like diabetes.


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About Me
Getting Help With My Toes

I have never struggled with any serious medical problems, which is why I was a little apprehensive to head to the doctor when I noticed that my toes were itchy and inflamed. I didn't want to report a problem that would disappear on its own within a few days, so I decided to wait it out. Unfortunately, the issue continued to get worse until I could barely walk. I decided to visit a doctor, and he was a ton of help. He told me that I had developed a fungal infection, and that it could be serious if it wasn't treated. I got the help that I needed, and now my toes feel great. This blog is here to help other people to learn more about podiatry.